Tim Cartmell will be teaching traditional Push Hands and Sparring Drills for Internal Martial Arts(May 5), and Sun TaiJiQuan(May 6), at The Rochester Tai Chi Chuan Center)
From beginners to advanced, students will benefit from Tim’s extensive practical skill, and knowledge in both form and technique, in Push Hands, Sparring, and Sun Taijiquan (one of the five major styles of Taiji). Tim studied Sun style Ba Gua Zhang and Taijiquan with Sun Jian Yun (Sun Lu-tang’s daughter and heir to his style), Sun Bao An (grandson) and Liu Yan Long. Sun style TaiJiQuan was developed by Sun Lutang (1861-1932), considered expert in two other internal martial arts styles: Xingyiquan and Baguazhang. Tim has translated Sun Lu-tang’s textbook on Sun Tai Ji Quan and teaches fulltime in Huntington Beach CA. where he has combined the stand-up fighting of Xing Yi, Bagua, and Taiji with the ground work of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu to create his Shen Wu curriculum. For more details on Tim’s background go to: www.shenwu.com/background.htm