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Chen Pan Ling T'ai Chi Ch'uan Long Form

The Chen Pan Ling style of T'ai Chi Ch'uan is a composite of the Yang, Wu, and Chen styles. It was developed by a World War II era committee of top martial artists commissioned by the Chinese Nationalist Government. Chiefly promoted by Chen Pan Ling, this style has been recognized with his name.

This style of T'ai Chi has borrowed several elements from other styles making it a more energetic form by utilizing a greater range of motion of the body. It promotes health and relaxation, as well as the connections that make T'ai Chi an internal martial art. Warm up exercises may include stretches, Qigong. The Chen Pan Ling 99 posture long form is suitable for all student levels. Chen Pan Ling’s Taiji Sword form may be included if time and circumstance permits.

Chen Pan Ling Legacy Arts 1–Fundamentals of Bagua and XingI

Introduction to Chen Pan Ling’s Swimming Dragon Ba Gua and XingI. We will learn the Eight Palm Changes of Bagua and the Five Elements of XingI, as taught by Chen Pan Ling’s son and heir, GM Chen Yun Ching. Both arts strengthen legs and improve balance and footwork.Warm up exercises may include stretches, Qigong.  This class is for Intermediate level and ability, but is open to all.

Chen Pan Ling Legacy Arts 2 – External Forms

Students will learn and practice the four external hand forms taught by GM Chen Yun Ching. These include Chen Pan Ling’s own Mountaintop Boxing 1 and 2, and Shaolin’s Crouching Tiger and Tiger Crane Forms. This energetic external training provides a balance to the internal training of the traditional arts taught by GM Chen Yun Ching, It can be described as “cardio-kung fu” as it is a great way to work your whole body, stay in shape and continue to improve so that you don’t lose strength in old age.  This class is for Intermediate level and ability, but is open to all.

Chen Pan Ling Legacy Arts

Review of the Chen Pan Ling Arts, including Taijiquan, Bagua, XingI, External forms

Grandmaster William C.C. Chen Yang Style 60 Posture Form

Grandmaster William C.C. Chen has been described as a teacher's teacher. Quiet, gentle, and supportive, he is none-the-less knowledgeable and perceptive in his teachings and evaluation on what people need.

William C. C. Chen’s form follows the traditional Yang form as shortened by Chen Man Cheng, and further modified by Grandmaster Chen.  It provides people with the necessary motions and movements to allow them to experience the relaxed aspects of T'ai Chi Ch'uan as well as the connections that make T'ai Chi a powerful art. It is a form that, in additional to health aspects, also focuses on function.  The form is broken down into two sections: movements 1-20 and 20-60.  Some martial aspects are considered, but more effective movement is the primary focus.  Further in the practice, classes in Exploration, Refinement, Sword, Long Form, and Function are available.

Classes are arranged to accommodate the beginner, (the first 20 movements), and the more advanced practitioner, (the complete 60 movement form).

Grandmaster William C.C. Chen’s exploring T’ai Chi Ch’uan from the inside out.

What’s next???  This class is for students who have completed 1-60 or are taking long form. Have you noticed in your journey with the form that you have leaps of awareness? Do you recognize new sensations and ease of movement you have not previously experienced? This class helps you cultivate deeper meaning and feeling in your practice.

•         Cultivate new insight

•         Refine your form

•         Go beyond basic body mechanics

•         Explore:

•         Eliminating overthinking and coming to relaxation and grounding

•         Using the mind and the senses to feel energy in the body and how it moves

•         Expanding this internal awareness to a sense of wholeness and connection

•         Participants agree this class has cultivated a sense of serenity.

Grandmaster William C.C. Chen Yang Style Long Form - 132 postures

The Yang Style Long Form preceded Great Grandmaster William Chen’s Short Form 1-60.  Familiar postures are repeated, some right and left, and the sequence changes.  Several other traditional postures are introduced to add to your repertoire, including part the horse’s mane, high pat, hit tiger with fist left and right, and strike with fingers.

This is for students who have completed Great Grandmaster Chen’s 1-60 Form and are looking to expand their practice.

Exploring Function in Tai Chi Chuan

This is a class in the application of T'ai Chi Ch'uan in a non-threatening manner. Two people work together to explore the movements which help the body, mind, and spirit, as well as gain insight into the martial aspect of T'ai Chi Ch'uan. Students of other T'ai Chi styles are welcome to this class. It is insightful when different styles meet.

Cheng Hsin Mini set - Postures and Principles

This is an introduction to Peter Ralston’s 7 posture points and 5 principles using his 12 posture mini set. The mini set is actually 24 postures as it is practiced in both the original and mirror image orientations.


What is Qigong? A brief translation is "cultivating the life force energy". It is a vast system of movement and stillness practices which promote the health of body, mind, breath and spirit – and are fun and easy to learn. This is ideal training in internal awareness than can enhance your Taiji form or be played independently. Class offerings are based on qigong styles of Master Ken Cohen and Dr. Yang Yang, as well as Sifu Robert Peng and Sifu Daisy Lee, who continue to train the instructor. We regularly play the oldest known qigong, the Taoist Animal Frolics.


RTCCC has used the 18 exercises of Series 1 of the Liangong health system for many years as a warm-up during tai chi classes.  This class combines refinement of the Series 1 exercises with exploration of the additional exercises in Liangong Series 2 and 3.  Proper form, the specific Liangong breathing technique, the coordination of movement and breathing, and the development of ‘internal stretch’ will be emphasized.

Exploring Swimming Dragon

 This beautiful form gently stretches your full body, strengthens your legs and promotes suppleness through your spine.  Balance, flexibility and longevity are often used to describe its benefits.  Swimming Dragon Qigong was first introduced beyond family members by Grandmaster Yu Anren, the 12th lineage holder.  It comes to RTCCC through his long-time disciple Liping Zhu, who was directed by Grandmaster Yu to introduce it to the United States.

This qigong set requires prior knowledge of Tai Chi principles.  Previous practice with slow, smooth motion and weight transfer in any style will allow mastery of this beautiful form.

Sun T'ai Chi Ch'uan

The Traditional Sun style long form as passed down to us by Tim Cartmell, taught to him by Sun Lu Tang’s daughter, Sun Jian Yun.

Taiji for Meditation

We will use the Center’s own Four/Eight Direction Form and Master Da Liu’s modified Yang style Taijiquan Form with their gentle flowing movements, deep breathing and relaxed awareness, to quiet the body and mind, to reduce distraction, and to balance inner and outer awareness. Principles will also be covered to refine the Forms and develop the internal aspects.
The Forms will be vehicles for “mindfulness in motion” in order to achieve a calm meditative spirit, good health, and longevity. Warm up exercises may include stretches, Qigong. This class is for Intermediate level and ability, but is open to all. Da Liu’s Taiji Sword form may be included if time and circumstance permits.

Simplified 24 Posture Tai Chi Form

This simplified form of tai chi is an exercise to give the beginner an introduction to the essential elements of tai chi, yet retain the traditional flavor of traditional longer hand forms. The 24 Posture Form of Tai Chi was based upon the Traditional Yang Style of Tai Chi Chuan, and is also known as the Beijing 24 Form or the Yang 24 Simplified Form.  In 1956 Chu Guiting, Cai Longyun, Fu Zhongwen, and Zhang Yu were commissioned by the Shanghai branch of the Chinese Education Union to condense and simplify Yang Style Grand Ultimate Fist.

Review and Refinement of Forms

We will review and refine: 4/8 Directions, 24 Posture Simplified, Da Liu’s Yang style, and Traditional Sun Long Form. This class is for those of Intermediate level and is open to those who know or are learning any of these Taiji Forms. Warm up exercises may include 18 Taiji Qigong(Shibashi) and Liangong.

Balance and Leg Strength Training - Spring 2025 Session only!

In this class we will work to improve our balance and leg strength, by using static and dynamic postures, and short sequences, drawn from some of the Qigong, Taijiquan, and Kuo Shu sets that have long been a part of our curriculum at the Rochester Tai Chi Chuan Center.  Improve your Internal Arts practice, or just age gracefully and prevent falls. Warm up exercises may include stretches, Qigong. This class is for Intermediate level and ability, but is open to all.


The Center also offers regular workshops with many renowned instructors in the pursuit of excellence in the art of T'ai Chi and other internal arts.

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